Do you know why most Chinese people have stayed so fit and healthy over the course of their life? One of the various reasons is that they often consume bean sprouts and grains along with rice and noodles or as a side dish. Sprouted beans, grains and seeds are an inexpensive way to eat nourishing and fresh food. Bean sprouts are especially high on antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and also contain no fat calories. But the main feature of sprouts are highlighted through its anti-aging properties which is why sprouts is one of the most nutritious and inexpensive food known to mankind. Sprouts are also easily grown at home as they only require a small container and good quality seeds. Always use organic seeds to grow sprouts as they produce better quality sprouts which are high on nutritional values. Some excellent beans or grains to sprout are Alfalfa and Sunflower seeds. Both these seeds are a high source of nutrition and should be consumed daily if possible.
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